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Showing posts from October, 2023

The 6 Most Common Behavioral Addictions: You Should Know

  In today's fast-paced world, behavioral addiction has become a growing concern. While most people are familiar with addiction to substances like drugs or alcohol addictions, behavioral addiction can be just as harmful. This blog post will discuss the world's six most common behavioral addictions. It is important to understand how to overcome these addictions and their effects in order to live a healthy and balanced life. What are Behavioral Addictions? Behavioral addictions, known as non-substance addictions, involve an obsession with certain activities that have harmful consequences on life. 1. Internet and technology addiction This digital age has brought progress, promoting addiction to the internet and technology. People suffering from this addiction often find themselves glued to mobiles, desktops, and laptops, which leads to social isolation, sleep disturbance and overall poor health. 2. Gambling addiction Gambling addiction is characterized by an uncontrolled desire to