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Understanding Common Mental Health Illness in Young Adults

Common Mental Health Illness in Young Adults

Young adulthood is a rush of emotions and experiences. It's a time to create a new identity and tackle academic or professional demands. Although this is an exciting time, Mental health problems can thrive in such an environment.

There are many mental health conditions that young adults face, and the most common are:

Depression: This mood disorder reduces motivation and makes you feel constantly depressed. This may manifest as changes in sleep or appetite, trouble concentrating, and a loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities.

Anxiety disorders: Physical symptoms such as excessive worrying, nervousness, and a rapid pulse or shortness of breath may indicate an anxiety condition. Common types include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder.

Eating disorders: An unhealthy obsession with food, weight, and body image can result in eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or binge eating disorders.

Why are these so common?

In this social media comparison, academic stress, and pressure to perform can all play a role. Biological characteristics and family history may also influence the results.

Mental health conditions are treatable. There are effective treatments, medications, and support groups available. If you're struggling, you're not alone.

It takes great strength to reach out for help. Call Deland Treatment Solutions at (386) 866-8689 to take care of yourself.


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